"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and goodwill, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."
- Jules Winnfield, Pulp Fiction ( inaccurate but he's trying, Ringo. He's trying REAL HARD.)
Biblical Literacy gives readers a basic, accurate understanding of Biblical actors and events. The benefits are numerous and apply to believers and non-believers alike. But you have to READ the Bible. In toto. All the Way. There and Back Again. Then you'll know the difference between sacred scripture and gangster poetry.
There are two ways to do this: (1) in a small group setting or (2) via "self-directed" reading, also known as "DIY".
Small Group Bible Reading (Starting Soon)
Small Group Bible reading is the best option, and I just learned that The Bible Recap is starting on Wednesday nights at City on a Hill, DFW at 6:45 PM.
I highly recommend it: the facilitator is the real deal and the program even has a phone app and a daily podcast for each day's scripture.
Just read a few chapters each day, listen to a 5-minute podcast recap, and you'll finish the Bible in a year, with a supportive team cheering you on every step of the way. This is great for a holistic understanding. The group may sometimes go deeper than Level 1, but you'll get through it together. Be advised The Bible Recap reads the Bible chronologically, so you will jump from book to book. For example, you'll start with Genesis 1-7, and then jump over to the book of Job, because that's when the events in Job happened (after the creation and before Exodus).
The Bible Recap Way: Read Chronologically by When the Events Happened.
Think it's too late to start? NOPE.
You can go Full Kanye and register late. Registration is open throughout the year. This is one of the few opportunities you can go Full Kanye without wrecking your whole life.
So yeah, Go Full Kanye. Just this once.
DIY Bible Reading (DIY) If you have schedule conflicts or can't attend a small group, you can always DIY. It's more difficult at first, but with a good DIY reading plan, you won't have to try so hard, Ringo.
Our Logical Theological DIY Reading Plan specifically avoids many of the flaws found in other self-directed plans, like:
Aggressive/Rigid Timelines: If you fall off the wagon, you'll likely stop because you'll never get "current" again. Especially when you're on "Day 4" and it's April.
Complex Structure: Some plans mix daily readings with Old and New Testament verses. The Bible reveals its mysteries progressively, and it's best to read it that way if you're going solo.
One Version: With some plans, you're stuck with one translation.
Not so with the Logical Theological DIY Bible Reading Plan. It's simpler, more flexible, and sequential by book. And with its Level 1 focus, you can alternate between many translations. Tracking progress is easy and rewarding.
Download the DIY Reading Plan and see for yourself! No frilly self-care or coffee cup quotes here. Each book has its row, with columnar blocks corresponding to each chapter. Just read your Bible and when you're done for the day, shade in the chapter blocks you've read. Think of it as a manual progress bar and coloring book.
The DIY Way: Read in Book Order. It Gets Easier as You Go. Denial Is Your Friend. Collapse Every Section You Aren't Reading
But wait, aren't there more than 5 books in the Bible? Yep. But they're all grouped and collapsed. Denial is your friend right now. "Let tomorrow worry about itself." (Matt 6:34).
Seeing your progress build is fun, even addictive. Psychological research on the Arrival Fallacy indicates that people enjoy progressing toward a goal far more than attaining it. That's why the best part of a Rocky movie is the training montage, not the actual fight.
And don't worry about anti-climactic depression. You still have Levels 2 (symbolic) and 3 (typological) to reach for. If only I had an allusion to a film with multiple sequels...
When you've shaded all the rows, collapse the completed section (press the "-" sign) and open the next section (press the black "+" box ). ONLY one section should be open at a time. Keep to your narrow path.
History Section Opened: Pay No Attention to the Books Behind the Curtain
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Last, with the DIY Reading Plan there is no special start date or set duration. You don't need to wait until New Year's Day or first thing Monday morning. Starting the DIY plan on a random Wednesday is just fine. So download the DIY Google Sheet and get started. If you have any trouble, just leave a post in the comments section and I'll try to figure it out.
Next time: Biblical Literacy's impact upon our broader Cultural Literacy.
During Covid, the author rediscovered cityonahilldfw.com. Post-vaccination he snuck into a service and felt zero social pressure. He's a member now and everyone knows he sucks at small talk. They don't care: it ain't that kind of church.